Over the summer, like most summers for us, our garage clutter got a little out of hand. It was time to clean up and re-organize. Yippee! ;-)
Without getting into details, this led to also cleaning up and re-organizing our basement. Oh yeah...more fun! One thing led to another and another. We ended up also making some changes in our upstairs hallway, which even led to me cleaning out my sewing box!

It felt SO freeing and good to let go of that old stuff that no longer served us, and to create new possibilities. The basement that was once just a space for storage, is now our "creative arts studio" - a place for creative projects, exercise, music, yoga, and more. It's such a better fit for who we are today and what we want to do with our lives.

Moving beyond this physical space analogy, what old, outdated beliefs and inner narratives might you be "storing" unnecessarily in the "basement" of your mind? What might some mental housecleaning open up for you?
If you're interested, begin by starting to pay attention and raise your awareness. Whenever you have some kind of undesirable feeling, this is your inner signaling system that you're telling yourself some story (inner dialogue) that has beliefs that limit you in some way or conflict with what you want. Those beliefs might involve "rules" (shoulds and have-to's) that you haven't questioned. Are they really a fit for you and your life today? Or, they might doubt how capable or deserving you are of something, or how possible something is that you desire.
Here's a really easy step. Declare your willingness to change. Say to yourself something like , "I am willing to believe (or learn) -x-." or "I invite in a new perspective that will support me in -x- (what you want to do/how you want to be/feel, etc.)." This opens up the possibility and sets the energy in motion.
Don't just accept these old beliefs and stories as "the truth", no matter how much they may seem that way. Really challenge them! Look for evidence to the contrary and for evidence that supports a more supportive belief. Even ask others if you have to. You'll be surprised and delighted with how ridiculous your old beliefs will become.
Sometimes we put this sort of mental housecleaning off because we just don't know where to begin or how, or it seems scary or overwhelming. But, like cleaning out the garage, just start with one of the steps above.
Of course, if you'd like personal support to assist you with this and to make it easier, e-mail me at [email protected] to set up a phone chat to discuss what new possibilities we can create for you. Mental housecleaning is my specialty!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,