Lots of clients and program participants tell me they'd love to have more time to relax. It seems that every moment of the day is filled with something that needs doing. Can you relate to this? I call this being a "human doing" instead of a human being.
First of all, as you probably already know, it's unlikely you'll take time off if you don't plan for it and commit to it. As soon as I helped a client do this recently, it easily happened. She now has some great plans with friends to look forward to; and since they're planned, they'll happen. This afternoon, I have a date planned with Mark to go for a hike in the woods, then a movie and out to eat. Like on the airplanes where they tell you to put on the oxygen mask first before anyone else, take care of yourself and you'll be better for everyone else, including your mood, your health, and how efficient and effective you are. Feeling good matters in SO many ways!

Do you have an inner dialogue going on that's perpetuating your stress? Are you saying things to yourself like, "I'll never get this all done!" "I'm so tired. This sucks! I have to do this!" ? Is this how you'd talk to your best friend in your situation? What would you say to him/her? Speak to yourself kindly and in a way that will help you to relax and feel good.
Instead of using words like have to, should, and need to, acknowledge that you're really choosing to do what you're doing, and use language accordingly. Try "I want to do this in a way that's easy and joyful." It really works! And others involved will appreciate it, too.

Here are some ways I do this:
- I play relaxing music in the background while I work on the computer.
- I acknowledge each thing I accomplish and feel good about it.
- I make my lunch time special with good food presented nicely, even if it's just for a quick few minutes.
- I often play music while in the kitchen.
- As the day wraps up, I decide on something to look forward to and relax with, and make that special, too, like watching a show I really enjoy while cozying up in a quilted throw.
- Before going upstairs to bed, I turn out all the lights, turn on my meditative music, and relax for a few moments into feeling good about my day and all that I did, and all that I have to be thankful for. My cat often feels this energy and climbs onto my lap, adding to the luxury of this time.
Of course, if you need more help, I'm always here for you. There's no need to struggle. Let your happiness and well-being be a priority, and from that all other good things you desire will flow to you.
E-mail me at [email protected] to arrange for a free Happiness Upgrade Activation to see if one of our private or group coaching programs is a fit for you.
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,