Yes, I'm deeply in love with my husband, Mark. We continue to create our love newly each day, even after 25+ years. I'm in love in another way, too; and it's a very, very BIG love that I want for you, too.
Since my summer breakthrough, I've been focusing more than ever before on feeling my connection to Spirit and the Source Energy of all that is. I now really understand and believe in the value of making my relationship with that part of me my number one priority. Spiritual teachers have been saying this since forever; but I'm finally really getting it and, more importantly, practicing it.

My intuition has increased; and desired manifestations show up with ease and in delightful ways, as if the Universe is showing how much fun it can be. For example, I was recently sitting on one of my favorite spots by the water on one of my hiking trails. It was a really calm, windless day; and I had the thought that I really enjoy it when the water laps along the edges. Within two minutes, a gentle breeze started up, along with the most perfect lapping for the rest of my visit there.
The other week, I was softly thinking that it would be nice to have at least 5 more people sign up for my meditation session coming up. And then, within the next couple of hours, it happened!

I am so in love with this dance with Spirit, and letting Spirit lead the dance rather than me. It feels so much better than worry and control and working hard through actions alone. And, like in good dance partnering, all I have to do is engage for the fun of it, and stay connected in the flow as one, and enjoy.

What can you do to improve your relationship with Spirit? For one, I cannot recommend meditation enough. Meditation is your "dancing practice". As I always say in my classes, we don't practice meditation to get better at meditating. We do it to build our capability to vibrate more highly throughout our day - to be in that space more and more.
Every 1st and 3rd Friday evening each month, I lead a wonderful session of guided meditations, filled with easy ways to meditate and tips for living with greater inner peace, love, ease and joy. Join us!
In April, Mark and I will again be leading our 10 week program: Living on a Higher Vibration -taking you to the heights of creation! Based on results for past participants, this is a phenomenal program for shifting from your small, limited self, to being more and more of the fullness of your true, Spirit-Self. Details coming soon!
That's it for now. If you'd also like to engage more in this dance of love and Spirit, join us in any or all of the many program options we have for you to choose from. Hope to see you on the "dance floor"!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,