Sharings from people whose lives have been transformed with our Group Coaching Programs:
“Everything is clearer and easier now. There’s less negative self talk now and self doubt. I’m feeling a greater sense of “at-homeness”; like I’m finally feeling at home in my life and the world; like I belong here and I have much to give. I am loved and I deserve good things and good things can and do flow to me. It’s such a lovely shift in consciousness. It’s the same world, yet different; like when you fall in love and you see everything through the eyes of love.” S.A.
"Before my participation in the program, I had a long history of severe mood swings, using medication to manage them, and being very unproductive and unsatisfied with myself and my life because I felt something was wrong with me and I was never good enough. In the program, I was able to shift my core limiting beliefs about myself and am now fully able to tap into and follow through on all of my inner resources, capabilities and creative potential. Now I have a powerful, inspired “why not?” attitude and a major shift in my beliefs about what’s possible. I haven’t used my medications for almost a year now, and I feel inspired, engaged and productive, energized, and powerful every day! Even when I do have a "down" mood, I'm able to use my New Possibilities strategies and bring myself back to feeling good again." D.B. “I had no possibilities before. I just existed for the benefit of everyone else. And now every time I turn a corner, there’s a new possibility that shows up. Because I’m looking at life in a way I never looked at it before. I didn’t even know I had such limiting beliefs around all of this before!” C.B. “I had been using Law of Attraction, but I was only getting “okay” results. And, I still had the belief that I had to work hard to get money. I was successful, but I worked hard for it. Then for various reasons, work started cutting back; and I realized I had to do something different, or work harder. Since I’ve shifted my belief and learned how to get in “the zone” easier and easier, I’m busy with work again. I even had my best day ever today. I’m much more aware of my feelings and am easily able to shift them when I need to. Whereas before I might have been pissed about something all day; now I can shift within minutes. And from there the day just seems to get easier and easier. My mood is different, people in my life seem to be different, my employees seem to be more positive, and more business is coming my way. And the only thing I changed is how I look at things and what story I’m telling.” Ed S. “I had a long history of depression; and I felt angry and resentful of everyone who was doing better than me. I felt like nothing was going to work and it was hopeless, so much so that I almost didn’t take this program. I remember practically yelling at Ann and Mark, “I can’t do it. I just can’t handle it. I can’t take the chance of being disappointed again if this doesn’t work. Ann convinced me to give it a try, and I am SO GLAD. I am SO glad! I feel so much lighter. I definitely don’t feel depressed or angry. I feel just way happier and appreciative of things; and I was so surprised at how easy it is to focus on that. And if I go back in that old direction, I know how to bring myself back. I feel like I got a tremendous amount out of the class. Probably the most significant thing for me is a sense of optimism and possibility. That’s probably what was lacking for me the most when I started. There seems to be more of a core of happiness now. I’d learned in a previous course that I could choose happiness; but this went to a different level. After that course, I still didn’t know how to be happy. Now I have ways to create it.” R.K. “I’m now confident and excited about my work and future, whereas before I felt hopeless about it. I used to be exhausted and stressed out all the time. Now my underlying feeling is that everything is going to be okay; and that difference is huge.” A.R "My experience of the group and these processes was extremely positive! It exceeded my expectations, and I want to thank you both for what you do! I enjoyed the people and always came home feeling up and positive, even when I didn’t arrive that way!” Ellen P. “I’m thinking about all the incredible changes that have happened and are happening to me, and for which I am so thankful and appreciative! Changes I could not have envisioned a month ago. No way; no how. Wow.” C.B.. |
“I’ve gotten my joy back. I find myself laughing and giggling at things. I find myself listening to music. I find myself just enjoying being; and I had lost that for awhile. I know now I’m really okay! It’s that underlying feeling that everything’s okay.” E.K.
"The strategy of discovering limiting beliefs has been central to the growth I am experiencing. But what I also rely on is the knowledge you’ve taught me about how the map of our brain CAN be changed. I used to think that my brain manufactured its own negative thoughts; now I know that I can change my brain so that the negative thoughts can leave as quickly as they come and that I can create new pathways for positive thoughts. I’ve moved from victim to empowerment.” C.M. “I am getting better and better at letting go… surrendering to The Universe… letting things happen rather than trying to make things happen; “being” rather than “doing.” It feels absolutely crazy sometimes, totally wrong. Where is my angst, my misery, my frustration, my disappointment, my anger? I know they are not gone, but they come around so much less than they used to. So often I’ll say to my mom, “If this were four years ago…” and she’ll roll her eyes (with love and understanding and appreciation) and say something about how I would have been bouncing off the walls. We marvel at how different I am and how much I’m changing for the better all the time!” C.B. "Thanks so much for all your help again. I knew I needed support this past fall and the "kickstart" to start making my dreams come true...thank you sooo much! I just can't believe the classes were so successful for me. I mean, I knew they would be - but THAT successful? WOW. Thanks also for all the love you and Mark have given me. It's helped me to feel loveable. Please use whatever I've said to let others know about the program. I would love for other people to find the path that I did! S.S. “I'm enjoying this new underlying sense of stillness and ease (or "harmony!"). I'm discovering a new freedom with respect to others. I feel much less dependent on what others say and do in order to feel good. YAY! I feel like I'm really becoming ME -- and that's a huge thing to celebrate.” C.H. “I feel excited about my future! I feel empowered and capable. I feel smarter and wiser. I feel confident. I love waking up in the morning and feeling that I get to start a new day all over again! How awesome is that?! In the largest sense, what has opened up for me is my potential. No longer feeling defective, no longer feeling less than everyone else, no longer afraid to express my voice and be seen, I feel as if the world has opened up for me. I see it as my blank palette upon which I am going to create the most magnificent grand finale of life that anyone has seen yet. Before the class I felt as if I had very few choices; now I feel joyfully overwhelmed by the number of choices available." C.M. "I really appreciate both of you and your joy and enthusiasm. I honor and acknowledge your path to teach. You are great together and inspiring to be with. I really appreciate the explanations and sharing and new ways to think of these things. I have read some of the books and couldn't quite get to the next level; and now I am ready to take that on. Thank you, thank you! S. L. "I continue to be blown away by what happens to me when I come here. Between the guided meditations and learning processes to address my own personal negative thoughts and behaviors, I am feeling so much stronger than before I was blessed to find you. Thank you!" C.B. “What I’m noticing is that I’m feeling lighter and more confident about – everything, really. Work directions, relationships, money, house, the future. Not that fear or negativity never creeps in – but I am more aware of when that is happening, and I’m usually more able to pivot and get back to feeling good. I’m generally having more trust in the universe to provide, and belief that things will work out, and that I don’t have to figure it all out and make things work out. What a wonderful relief! I also seem to have accepted on some level, that I’m really ok! The old weight of “Guilt!!!” seems to be significantly lighter. And along with that, I am more able to allow myself to want more - and act on that wanting.” S.D. |