Today I want to continue to talk about how to have breakthroughs that allow you to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Because, as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten (that's the jist of it, anyway). And, we all have some area in which we want change and growth. It's a good thing!
Are you familiar with Tony Robbins? He's famous for leading people through firewalks and his Breakthrough seminars. Although our styles are very different, we both use the personal change methodologies from NLP (neurolinguistic programming), and we both get the same stellar results.
I love how he summarizes these three elements needed to create a personal breakthrough, or to accomplish what you want. We teach and use these in all of our group and private coaching programs. Here's what you need, in no particular order:

Seems pretty basic. Like, yuh, what else is new? But are you using any strategies over and over even though they don't get you the results you want? It's what we tend to do if we don't have any other choices. So, if what you're doing isn't getting the results you want, maybe it's time to look for more options.
For example, are you trying to get thinner by eating less? Is this alone working for you in a lasting way? Changing behaviors is only one strategy, and usually not enough. There are inner strategies, as well.

If you have thoughts like, "It's useless." or "It's too hard.", then your path to success is unlikely. It's more likely to be hard and useless!

This is about how you feel. Obviously, if you feel overwhelmed, or fearful, or impatient, or unconfident, etc., it will affect how well you implement your strategies.
New Possibilities for YOU!
In sum, you need the right strategies, stories, and states for any kind of success.
Personally, I think you should focus on your story and state before even thinking about strategy.
One way to change your state is to change your body. Shift your posture, breathe deeply, move, or find a way to deeply relax. This will allow your story to shift, which will create the opening for a strategy or at least researching or learning one.
You can also change your state by becoming aware of your inner story, and changing it to one that supports you. Talk to yourself like you would a good friend. Or talk to yourself like an older, wiser you, or like someone you admire would speak.
Another way to change your state is to pretend you're in the state you want, and notice what story shows up. This one is a little more challenging, in my opinion, but worth playing around with. It can be easier if you remember a time when you felt the way you want, and then exploring the thoughts you were having that allowed it.
Of course, for any of this to happen, you have to be open and willing and aware. Just set your intentions and begin playing with any of this. If it's "too hard", then the best strategy is to get help or find resources to help you learn! You know who to call! :-) Why delay what you want any longer? E-mail me at [email protected].
Is this for you?

In case you haven't already figured this out through experience, it's not necessarily the best strategy; and it's certainly not the only strategy.
I firmly believe, and experience shows, that approaching weight loss by dealing with the inner issues that led to being overweight and that create the struggle with losing it, is the way to go. You need to address strategies, stories, and states, at the very least.

You'll also learn how to tell believable stories to yourself and to create inner states that support what you want and make you feel good!
All this, and more. It's the inner way to a happy, healthy, satisfied, naturally slender you. No inner battles required. In fact, they're not allowed! It all happens with ease and joy.
We start next week, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 17th, or Wed. morning, Sept. 18th. Read about all the details by clicking on the link below, and e-mail me asap to register for your breakthrough!