Ever notice that life can sometimes be like a game of Chutes and Ladders? Remember that childhood board game? You’d move along the board up towards the winning spot at the top, sometimes hitting a “ladder” to accelerate your progress up several rows; and sometimes hitting a downward “chute” (like a slide) propelling you back down again. It would continue on with progress and then setbacks.
I remember an experience I had of this (of course there have been many!). I had been experiencing wonderful waves of surprises and abundance as I was practicing the affirmation, “I am happy for this day; and I expect good things. Surprise me Universe!”
So much good was happening and I was really appreciating our abundant life. Then the surprises stopped coming and little disappointments crept in. I had unknowingly slid down the chute of old, conditioned thought patterns. I had started to feel like I “needed” to say the affirmation; was disappointed if a surprise didn’t come through, and began focusing on how much more I wanted with a background of need to it. How silly was that?!
According to Law of Attraction principles, when you get into attitudes like “I need”, “I have to”, or focusing on lack or what’s wrong, this pinches off the possibility of flow of what you desire coming into your life. Of course, I was doing all this without even noticing it! Our old patterns can be such an easy slope to slide down.
When you focus on what you don’t have or what’s wrong, it’s like your perception can’t even notice anything else. You've directed yourself where to go, and that’s where your mind’s possibilities follow. Then the energy of the Universe follows, as well. "Energy flows where attention goes."
Luckily, with the skills I've developed, I became aware and self-corrected fairly quickly, shifting to a more positive stance again, and focusing more on all that I have with gratitude. I moved up a ladder, so to speak.
So, was I “wrong”? Was it “bad” that this happened? Did I get stressed about sliding down the chute? No.
Look at the children on the box cover! Going down the slide looks FUN! One image for the game I found said, "Ready for a climbing, sliding super adventure?"
I believe that games really train us for a life well lived. Can you see how that’s possible?
Through experience, I’m getting better and better at holding this attitude about living and playing the “game of life”. The less you stress and the more you relax and have fun with a belief that “Everything eventually always works out for me.”, the more it will and you’ll feel better in the process!
- The next time you get stressed and feel like you’re sliding down a chute, do an attitude check. What are you focusing on? If you’re not feeling good, then whether you realize it or not, you’re focusing somehow on what’s wrong versus what’s right, or on what you don’t have versus what you do have, or what you don’t like versus what you do like, or on what hurts versus what doesn’t hurt, or on what hasn’t happened versus what has happened, and so on.
- Remember how you played the Chutes and Ladders game (or any similar game), and CHILL! Life is just a big game. Pan back and look at the big picture (game) of your life. How many chutes and ladders have you already made it through? What was gained through all of that? Are you essentially okay? You've made it this far already! The point isn’t to “win” and end the game. The point is to play it and have some fun.
- Now get out there and play! Oh, and in case you haven't heard me say this before, if you have trouble with doing this on your own, get..some...help! As your coach, I can help you play your game with more ease and joy; and we have a lot of program options to help you, as well. You just have to participate! Be sure to check out our upcoming Living on a Higher Vibration program, starting on April 8th to fully immerse yourself in becoming more of the inner peace, love, abundance, ease and joy that is who you really are!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,