Here's a very short, fun story, with profound possibilities.
One evening, just before I was about to start teaching one of my classes, I got the hiccups!
One of the women said to me, "Think about someone you love." I immediately thought about Mark (my husband), and... my hiccups went away instantly! Just like that!
She told me her grandmother always said that to her when she got the hiccups; and it always worked for her, too. Don't you love old wisdom like that?
It actually makes sense to me, given what Mark and I have been learning about heart coherence lately. When you connect to your heart (like with love!), your whole body relaxes, your brain and heart work together more coherently, and your innate healing response is able to function. I'm pretty sure hiccups are caused by the diaphragm getting out of rhythm; so by thinking about love, my body relaxed and found its natural rhythm again! Pretty cool, wouldn't you say? And how simple!

Any time you want to feel good and relax with a meditation, think of someone or something you love, and just be with that. Even remembering a favorite stuffed animal you had as a child and remembering how you felt about it as you held it will work!
Who's someone who thinks of YOU this way? That in itself feels good, doesn't it? See yourself through their eyes and feel that love. Mmmm. What a nice change in perspective!

Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with love,