Ten minutes ago, before writing this, I was somewhat anxious, struggling with a busy mind about having too much to do and too little time. Can you relate?
Now I'm feeling totally calm, filled with inner peace and love, following thru on inspirations and solutions that easily came to me. How did I make that transition?
I put on my meditation music (Jango free internet radio, Liquid Mind station). I sat in my comfy chair and breathed in fully from my belly. As I exhaled, I imagined all my thoughts blowing away, and I really let it out fully. I did this several times.
Then I placed my attention outside of myself, into the space of stillness, peace, and Spirit; and began to feel it.
I repeated to myself, “Who am I?” (a mantra of mine that reminds me that I am more than my small, physical self); and as I did that, I felt a tug at my heart and a wave of love washing thru me, as I usually do. And I felt fully relaxed and serene, with a feeling of everything will be okay.
Then the easy solutions to my concerns started to just show up. This it typical, too. In fact, most of my newsletters get pre-written while meditating, as did this one! And then they just flow out once I sit at the computer.
I did all this in about 10 minutes, in spite of the loud landscapers at the neighbor's house. And, I know I'll easily be carrying this mood throughout my day now. Ahhhhh.
You can do this, too! It might take a little practice; and maybe not!

Here's why meditation works so well for manifesting desires:
As you know, I'm a believer in the law of attraction. It states that we create as we think. This is now supported by the science of quantum physics, which has shown that we exist in an energetic, vibrational field of pure potentiality, in which we are all one. When we have a thought, including a desire, it becomes an energetic form in this field. As the saying goes, “It is done.” But how do you easily receive/manifest what you've created?
Here's a common, useful analogy. If you want to receive what's playing on a particular radio station, you have to tune into the matching frequency with the radio dial. Similarly, if you want to manifest (receive) something in your physical reality in a way that you're able to perceive it, then you have to be a matching frequency to the field in which it's waiting for you.
Yup. You are an energetic, vibrational being. And, your frequency changes from the way you're thinking. Your emotions and feelings indicate your frequency. The better you feel, the higher your vibration; and the more you are a match to the field that I'm speaking about.
So, this means that whatever you desire is possible, including financial abundance; as long as you're able to tune into the positive feeling state of whatever you are asking for!

It also has a TON of health benefits, including reversing aging, activating your body's innate ability to heal, reducing pain and inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and anxiety and improving mood stability, and improving sleep. It also increases mental functioning and creativity and your ability to make decisions. And, it creates pleasurable states and feels REALLY GOOD! It's like a mini-vacation!
- In meditation, we can imagine, and thus create more freely without resistant, conflicting thoughts.
- In meditation, we are more fully our Spirit-Selves, matching the field of our creations.
- In meditation, we relax and allow the flow, and practice how we can continue that even when not meditating.
You can get all of these benefits in even just a few minutes, in whatever comfortable position works for you.
Given all of this, it's pretty ridiculous not to make use of it. Isn't it?

If your reasons for not meditating include not being able to take the time each day, or not being able to get into a good meditative state on your own, then join us in my bi-monthly guided meditation classes! I make it really easy for you. The deep, collective energy of the group really helps, too. Everyone feels it.
By participating in these classes, you’ll experience how simple, delightful and easy it can be. You’ll learn and practice:
- Simple yet profound techniques you can easily do for yourself for any length of time that is comfortable for you.
- How to easily get into a meditative state to deeply relax and to create positive, pleasurable feelings, including inner peace, love, ease and joy; and how to bring that into your daily living.
- Techniques to help you shift your perspective and experience of issues in your life causing you stress in some form, and to shift to Spirit perspective, instead.
- How to connect to your inner resources and your best self, to solution consciousness, and how to activate your body's natural healing response.
We have a different theme each class to help build and reinforce positive thinking patterns, beliefs and inner narratives that will support you in living with greater inner peace, love, ease and joy.
Each class consists of 2-3 guided meditations, with discussion and instruction in between to help you carry the positive feelings and lessons experienced into your day and life.
This is a perfect time to let go of stress and "busy-ness", and to fully let go and relax into bliss. Come with whatever intentions suit you, and the evening is still sure to satisfy. It always works out magically that way.
Hope to see you there!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,