How important is it to you to be happy? I'm serious about this question; because I'm very serious about happiness and joy. :-)
Many people think that it's important, but not necessarily a priority. And, some people acknowledge the high level of importance of it; yet still don't act accordingly. You know what I mean?
The thing is, research shows that happiness is actually vital.
It's the fuel that allows your brain to be more successful at achieving all the goals you desire, and it impacts every area of your life. Energetically speaking, from a law of attraction perspective, it makes you a very powerful point of attraction for what you desire.
"Every single relationship, business and educational outcome improves when the brain is positive first. If you cultivate happiness while in the midst of your struggles, work, at school, while unemployed or single, you increase your chances of attaining all the goals you are pursuing...including happiness."
He further states that forming positive thinking habits that support your happiness are like financial capital. Forming them today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come. Living in survival mode, with the attitude of "I'll be happy when -x- happens" or "I'll take care of my happiness after -y-" is essentially a bad habit that doesn't work. In actuality, the formula works the other way around. What you want is more likely to happen when you learn how to be happy.
Research also shows that people who are happy:
- Work better
- Have better brain health and memory (stress actually contributes to memory decline and increased risk of dementia)
- Have 31% more energy
- Have up to 30% decrease in heart disease
- Get sick less often and are generally healthier
- Are more successful at losing weight
- Make better decisions
- Have better relationships
But I get it. It's not easy to make this shift if the only way you know is what you're currently doing; or if the way you're trying isn't working for you. Most people wait for happiness to happen, being dependent on outer circumstances. But this puts you at the effect of life, rather than being a creator of it. And, we all know the risks of this.
If you're not able to experience happiness and joy no matter what, it's only feedback that you need to learn something new. Because continuing to practice the same approach will only continue to get you the same results, even tho' we somehow think it will be different!
Do you have something deep inside you that longs for more from life and from yourself? Do you desire more inner peace, love, ease, abundance, joy? What is it that you've been wanting for too long now?
Old programming and old habits of thought will continue to run your life and rob you of all the richness that you want and deserve. And life is too short and too valuable for that!
The good news is also that, in this moment, NOW, you can choose to say "Enough is enough!". You can choose to take the time to invest in yourself, to learn, and thus create the life you truly want, rather than continuing to settle with resigned acceptance for less.
I believe in you and the greatness in your heart and spirit, and all that is possible for you. Any discontent you ever feel is really your Soul reminding you of this, and begging you to be unleashed as the positive force your true self is.
It's time to do more than just read and dabble and put off your personal growth until some supposed better time. Because time, and your life, will continue to pass you by.
Enough is enough! Yahoo!
If you want more for yourself, and to live with more inner peace, love, ease, abundance and JOY, as I've mentioned before, I cannot encourage you enough to find an in-person, over-time program with expert guides and teachers to help you break through beliefs that don't serve you, and to help you learn the skills you're missing to be happy no matter what. True joy comes from the inside, not outer circumstances.
Our Living on a Higher Vibration program is a perfect fit for doing this. It's designed to help you become more of the power, freedom, inner peace, abundance, well-being, love, ease and joy that is Who You Really are!
You'll get to learn and practice a foundational set of strategies and skills for living in a higher vibration and becoming more and more of your greatest, Spirit-Self; for authentically managing your emotions and thinking; and for shifting your small-self limiting beliefs to truly embrace your power to create and be an Ultimate Manifestor. All in a small, intimate, consistent group of peers that you'll soon love and enjoy.
The program is an in-person, interactive, experiential, 10 week program, with LOTS of personal attention from your coaches (me and Mark) during and in-between classes, and a full private coaching session, as well!
Please read more of the details and testimonials here: Living on a Higher Vibration program link: Then I encourage you to do the following “Next Step” exercise (also on the webpage) to help you connect to your inner guidance on whether this program is right for you
Next Step Exercise:
Take some quiet time to fully reflect on the following:
- What desires are dwelling within you? Never mind what you only think you can have, or what you should want. Allow yourself to really own your deepest heart's desires, what your Soul is calling you to.
- If you continue as you are now, what does that future look like and how does it feel?
- What are the potential costs of doing nothing?
- What are all the possible benefits to be gained if you were to learn the skills and make the changes being offered to you in this program? A LOT, right? How might your relationships change? What more might you be able to do? How might it affect your health? What else? How does that future feel?
- What would all of that be worth to you? This is your life we're talking about. What is your life worth to you?
- When you have those answers, place your hands and your attention on your heart, and ask,"If there were nothing holding me back (no fear, no perceived limitation), do I want to do this program? Do I feel like it could serve me?" Check in, not with your "head", but with your heart and soul, if it feels like a good step for you to take.
- If your answer is yes, e-mail me. We promise you, if you make this committed decision of knowing what you want and what's right for you, and let go of any "buts", the rest will unfold for you. Together, we'll make it work for you.