It's time to revisit the topic of pleasure, because I think we (especially women) tend to put it on the bottom of our priority list and discredit its importance.
Did you know that pleasure and feeling good are key components to being healthy, to having healthy relationships, to working more efficiently and effectively, even to being wealthy!
Really, I wish doctors would prescribe it as a necessity, like taking your daily dose of vitamins, or eating well or exercising, or taking a prescription medication. It's time to take your pleasure more seriously (ha ha).
Ever notice how little children follow their uncensored impulse towards pleasure? That's because it's in our inherent design. Just like we need to eat and sleep, we need pleasure. And when we're deprived of any of those, we suffer the consequences. It is a basic need that you have an intrinsic capability for; and, when you fully allow yourself to follow it, you have infinite potential.
Here's a common scenario: You grew up and had responsibilities. Survival and taking care of business took over, and you used those pleasure neural pathways less and less. And, you know what? If they're not used, they atrophy! Your "pleasure muscles", so to speak, get out of shape; and it requires stronger and stronger external stimuli to feel good. Thing is, this approach over-activates your dopamine; which then makes it harder and harder to experience pleasure!
The first step is to commit to having more pleasure in your life and to make it non-negotiable. "Doctor's orders!"
The next step is to take responsibility for rebuilding those intrinsic pleasure pathways by opening yourself to pleasure from within. Set your intention to notice the pleasures in each moment. It's kind of like refining your palate to appreciate fine wines and healthy food versus processed foods that blast your taste buds with an overload of salt, fat, and sugar.
When you're home tonight, get comfortable and take a few mindful pleasure moments by just basking in the warm glow of light and the comforting feeling of home. Really feel your space and all of the positive aspects of it and all that you have to be thankful for in it.
When you eat your next meal, take in some pleasure by mindfully enjoying the smells and tastes. Eat slowly and allow your pleasure to linger and last as long as you can.
As you settle into your winding down evening activity, make it really comfortable; and notice and appreciate it. Do whatever you're doing with the intention of pleasure and being your time to relax and treat yourself, even if it's watching TV. Open up to all the pleasures available in your experience.
Possibilities for pleasure exist in every moment, in just about every experience, if you set your mind to notice it and live mindfully. When you do this, pleasure will arise from within; and even the subtleties of life will feel good.
Let me know how you're expanding your pleasureful moments, will you? And, enjoy!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,