I had the best summer ever! It was filled with fun trips, good friends, outdoor beauty and fun, great food, wonderful surprises, generosity, love, and laughter. Abundance, for sure.
So, did I have a great summer and feel really good because of those things; or did I get to experience all of those things because I was committed to feeling good no matter what?

It's so easy to slip into the belief that how we feel is at the effect of what happens in our external lives. But you do not have to be a victim to that. I propose that, when you know how, it's easier to manage and control your internal world to feel good than it is your external world! When you make that your first priority, and find ways to relax and feel good, then everything you desire unfolds more easily, including your actions.

- Some of us believe that we are each God/Spirit in physical form, created by that non-physical life force to create, express, and experience as you. You are both physical human and nonphysical God-Spirit. Whether you believe this, or not; try on the thought. What if you are God, an all-knowing, eternal, all-loving, non-judgemental force with infinite creative powers? As that being, what would your perspective be on each of the life circumstances you're concerned about? Try it! It really changes things. And then remember that IS who you are!
- One of the most simple ways to feel good no matter what is to find things that you can appreciate and feel grateful for. They are everywhere and limitless. (For me, this is seeing through God's eyes - my greater Self's eyes.) No one expresses this better than Brother David Steindl-Rast in his 5 minute video: "A good day". You will smile every minute of it. I can't encourage you enough to watch it and make it your way of being. It works wonders for me! And, of course, if you need more help with learning how to make it a good day, to experience yourself and your capabilities as Spirit, and to create your happiness from within, please contact me for a complimentary happiness upgrade activation call to discover what's newly possible for you. Here's the most awesome video. Click on this: "A Good Day". Enjoy!