I have been saying for years that we are engaged in a planetary turning point, moving towards better and better through spiritual awakening. With so much in the media focused on the crises at hand, it can be hard to see our evolution in process. But, like everything else, if you look for it, you can find it.
I recently learned about Congressman Tim Ryan. He has a book out, Mindful Nation, which talks about bringing mindfulness (being present, quiet, slowing down, without judgement) into our daily lives, our institutions, and even into our political arenas. That's him in the picture, bringing it into schools.
There is so much evidence for the value of mindfulness and he believes in it so much, that he has even managed to create a "Quiet Time Caucus" in the Congress, in the Speaker's Chapel. For the first half hour of each week before voting time, they have "quiet time". They can practice any form of mindfulness they want. The only rule is they can't talk. How cool is that?
Once a week, they also have a half hour for staff and have teachers related to mindfulness come in. And, get this! There is even a mindfulness-based practice being implemented over the next few years in the Marine Corps; and Tim is supporting getting EFT for Veterans since there is such strong evidence for it helping with PSTD. (The Emotional Freedom Technique uses tapping on meridian points to relax your system and thus allow your inner narratives and emotions to shift.)
Mindfulness is also practiced in corporations: Google, Proctor and Gamble, Target, General Mills, and more.
Just last month, there was the UPLIFT Festival in Australia, a global movement that celebrates the unity of spirit and matter and embraces the magic of love to transform the earth into a healthy, enlightened planet. Hundreds of "big name" participants revealed that a new world culture is being born in a new spiritual paradigm.
As Bruce Lipton says when he refers to all of the current "crises", "bad news can actually be good news". By this, he is referring to the Universal Cycle of Growth, where chaos precedes growth. It happens in organizations, in nature, and in our personal lives; and it's happening on our planet. Our planet and our world is transforming; and I fully believe it's in a positive way.
What are you aware of either "under the radar", or not, that is evidence of our planetary awakening and positive evolution? I invite you to look for it, focus on it, appreciate and SHARE it. The more of us who do that, the more that positive, creative energy will expand. Please share it with us in the comments below, so we can all be inspired even further!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy,
P.S. If you have personal stress or dissatisfaction of any kind in your life, this is your opportunity for growth, as well. There's no need to work your way through it on your own. It can be pretty challenging to be aware of and effectively change our own limiting patterns of thinking. Getting help can make it so much quicker and easier. This is not only my area of expertise, it's my passion! E-mail me for a complimentary happiness upgrade activation call, and we'll explore what new possibilities are possible for you and activate you in that direction!