Imagine the last day you had when you felt really relaxed and happy, like when you were on a vacation. (Hope you didn’t have to go too far back!) Would it be nice to feel that way every day? Okay, maybe every day is a bit too perfectionist. How about most days? And, how about when you’re having a not so great day, you could not be stuck with that, but you could shift it into being a better day?
Is this really possible? The answer is totally YES! We have lots of strategies for this. It’s what New Possibilities Coaching is all about.
I know it feels like what kind of day you’ll have depends on the circumstances of the day. However, let me remind you again of this most important statistic. Only 10% of your happiness is determined by your outer circumstances! The rest is determined by how you think about your circumstances and life. How you feel is really up to you.
That’s a big responsibility! But it’s also great. Because if it weren’t up to you, you’d be a victim to your circumstances, with little choice about how you feel. So the good news with this responsibility is that you have way more control available to you than you might think or might be using!
And, just in case you forgot, or are new to this, let me also remind you again of how important being happy is. Research shows that happiness is the fuel that allows your brain to be more successful at achieving all the goals you desire. It impacts every area of your life. People who are happy:
- Work better
- Have better brain health and memory
- Have 31% more energy
- Have up to 30% decrease in heart disease
- Get sick less often and are generally healthier
- Are more successful at losing weight
- Make better decisions
- Have better relationships
- Are more successful at achieving everything they care about!
So here’s my happiness strategy for you today.
New Possibilities for You!
Ever know someone who even gets stressed out on vacation; or maybe you’ve seen them? They definitely exist. This shows you that it’s not the vacation itself, the circumstance, which allows you to be happy and relaxed. It’s the state of mind you automatically put yourself in and the permission you give yourself that allows it.
· If you can, for a moment, recapture how you feel inside when you're on vacation.
· What kinds of thoughts and inner dialogue do you have?
For me, there’s an inner calm and an anticipation of good times and feeling good. I'm less attached to a schedule and "have to's"; and instead am aware of the freedom of choosing moment to moment.
Now, if you were to pick up almost any book on spirituality, I bet you would find suggestions that what I just mentioned is an enlightened state to aim for - an attitude towards life worth trying, to create a life worth living.
When I apply these same attitudes to my normal, non-vacation days, I feel good, and work and the day unfold more easily.
The trick is in finding a way to feel good about your day, to anticipate it, and to feel good about all the choices you’re making. They’re not really “have- to’s”. You’re choosing to do them; so how can you feel good about that?
- Do you think maybe sometimes you’re creating struggle rather than joy?
- You DO know how to create joy! You did it on those happy, relaxed, vacation days.
- What inner narratives, beliefs and choices that you make on vacation can you transfer to your every day?
Real harmony and happiness is created from within. I invite you to play around with this strategy and give it a try.
If you live near Metro West Mass., and you’d like some help with this and to be guided through it by me, join us on Friday evening, Dec. 7th, for our free evening of guided meditations on creating ease and joy.
And if you’d like to learn and embody all of our fundamental strategies and beliefs for living with ease and joy and experiencing greater harmony, happiness and success, I can’t encourage you enough to sign up for one of our New Possibilities Coaching Programs.
Please don’t put off the happiness you deserve any longer. Let your happiness and well-being be a priority, and from that all other good things you desire will flow to you.
E-mail me at [email protected] to arrange for a phone call to see if one of our private or group coaching programs is a fit for you.
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,