In our most recent evening of guided meditations, everyone got to delight in the expansive feelings of experiencing themselves as more than just the physical human beings they typically think of themselves as. You are so much more than just your body and thoughts!
Let me share a strategy I regularly use that I believe can have tremendous potential for you, as well.
In my guided meditation evenings, people often complement me on my voice and how it’s so perfect for leading meditations and helping them to feel so good. It’s really nice to be appreciated. The thing is, I believe it’s not really my voice that people are hearing. They’re hearing who I’m being as I speak.
Let me explain a bit. Back in my days of training, I took a course with a very masterful hypnotherapist, Mel Bucholz. It was nearly impossible not to go into a trance state when you listened to him. So in his course, I was expecting to learn all kinds of language patterns and hypnotic techniques. Who wouldn’t, right?
Instead, we took weeks just talking about poetry and aesthetics and such! I was so confused; until I finally “got it”. This brilliant man was teaching us how to “be” something different, rather than how to “do” something different. By connecting to our aesthetic sense of being and our spirit, we learned that from there the rest would flow.

You can do this, too! Maybe not for leading meditations or teaching or coaching, necessarily; but for whatever you want to excel at, however you want to be resourceful, and however you want to feel.
New Possibilities for YOU!
Think about the word resourceful…re -Source-full ! How do you reconnect to the Source of all that is and feel your full Spirit/Source-Self and all that you are? In prayer? Meditation? In nature? Running or playing some sport “in the zone” or “flow state”? Maybe it’s when you just connect to your heart and are living from love. What does it for you? Start experimenting by recalling and purposefully bringing back this feeling in other contexts, as well. Remind yourself of all that you are beyond your mere human capabilities by asking, “Who am I?” or “Who am I being?”, and go BIG, if you know what I mean.
Here’s another tip. Don’t try to find “it”, as if “it” exists. Use your imagination. It’s all the same!
If you feel disconnected and limited by living mainly in your head and that that's all that you are, then let me help, so you can experience all the harmony, happiness and success you desire. E-mail me to schedule a complimentary happiness upgrade activation session to begin creating new possibilities for you!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,