I am fascinated by the acting process. One of the reasons is that it's all about creating a different reality; and nothing fascinates me more than that!
So I'm a big fan of Inside the Actor's Studio, a show on Bravo TV during which actors share their methods and processes with students in the movie and theater making fields. For me, the processes I hear them speak about are unsurprisingly similar to spiritual teachings, especially those within the law of attraction, and I'm sure others, as well.
Here's what Brad Pitt had to say in one episode I recently watched. A student had asked him about his process for developing and becoming a character he plays.
"The process takes many forms. I can't stress enough to give yourself a break. Try anything and everything that feels right... If it doesn't work, discard it. If you get somewhere, then keep exploring it.
Character will come. There's too much pressure on this idea of character. It will come and you will be surprised at how it comes. And it will keep coming. It's an endless well. You don't have to worry about it. Trust yourself.
Don't pre-plan the scene, 'cause it will stink it up. You don't have to squeeze everything in every scene. You do one scene and get some of what will inform the next scene, and the same with the next, and so on.

Brad is creating a character (a reality) for pretend; but I think the process is the same for you and the reality you want to create and live! How cool and how fun is that?!

How much pressure do you put on yourself to be perfect, or to get it right the first time, or get it done NOW, or have what you want NOW?
Let go of the pressure, set your intentions, and trust yourself more to follow what feels right one step at a time, allowing what you want to evolve and unfold from the endless well of possibilities when you just relax and allow it. And, mistakes are okay! They inform and guide you towards better and better.
Plan for and imagine how you want to feel in the end. This is your main intention. But don't get attached to how it will all play out. Let that part be the surprise, as you follow each lead and your inner guidance along the way.
I cannot tell you enough how well this works. Each morning, before I even get out of bed, I set my intentions for how I want to be and how I want to feel throughout my day and by the end of the day; and from that, everything flows easily in my day and I feel SO wonderful! Here's the gist of my morning intention:
"Today, it is my dominant intent that no matter what the circumstances, I will look for the positive aspects and for reasons to feel good, and enjoy my day. It's my intention to remember all that I am: a physical extension of the infinite Source of all that is, here for it to create, express and experience through me. It's my intention to see, hear, feel, speak and act from this higher perspective, and to follow its guidance for the easy and joyful manifestation of all that I desire." Then I image how that feels. Mmmmm.
So simple! How do you want to be and feel throughout your day and at the end of your day? What kind of character do you want to play to create a reality you desire? Give this process a try, and let me know how it goes. Okay? And remember, be easy about it. You can have an award-winning life, just like Brad!
Supporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,
P.S. Of course, as always, if you'd like more support in creating your desired reality, one filled with more harmony, happiness and success, be sure to contact me for a complimentary happiness upgrade activation call!